Author Archives: letstalkadmin

  1. Dads and Kids Craft Night

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    Let’s create a virtual sculpture garden together!

    Join us for a fun night creating sculptures with your kids and connecting with other dads and their kids.

    WHO: Cambridge Dads with children between 4 and 8 years-old
    WHEN: Thursday, August 20, 6:30pm – 7:45pm

    This event will be held on Zoom. Zoom link will be sent to participants
    after registering.

    No craft experience needed!
    Supplies provided!
    *We will coordinate supply pick up during registration*

    Registration required, contact John by:

    • Call/Text: 857-209-4964

    Facilitated by: The Beautiful Stuff Project

    Sponsored by: Cambridge Dads, a program of Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and Center for Families

  2. Talking About Race with Young Children: a series for white parents/caregivers

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    Thursdays, July 16, 23, 30, August 6, 2020, 8:00-9:30 p.m.

    For Cambridge families with children birth to 8 years old

    Want to talk to your kids about race?  Have questions?

    • Come join other parents in a 4-part virtual series, with a presentation and time for discussion each week.
    • Each session will include an activity to practice between sessions.
    • Facilitated by Melody Brazo. Sponsored by Center for Families and Let’s Talk/Agenda for Children.

    To sign up:

    • Limited spaces available. We will send a confirmation that you have a spot in the group.  Link for Zoom will be sent to you once you are confirmed.
    • Questions? Call or text: 617-800-9154, email

    The Center for Families is funded by the City of Cambridge, the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC), Children’s Trust, Cambridge Public Schools, and the Cambridge Health Alliance.  Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative is funded by Cambridge Public Health Department and the City of Cambridge.

  3. Summer StoryWalk Series 2020

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    A StoryWalk is a children’s book hung page by page around a park in Cambridge where families can read, walk, and talk together.

    StoryWalks will be up from July 1st to July 31, 2020 in the following parks:

    • Bergin Park, Haskell St & Pemberton St, One Hot Summer Day
    • Clement Morgan Park, 60 Columbia St, Sometimes We Do
    • Hurley Park, Hurley St, Wild About Books
    • Joan Lorentz Park, Broadway, in front of the Library, Whoever You Are
    • Kingsley Park, Fresh Pond, Turtle Splash
    • Old Morse Park (David Nunes Park), Putnam Ave, Do You Have a Hat?
    • Russell Field, Rindge Ave, Nuestro Autobus/The Bus for Us
    • Sennott Park, 305 Broadway, Feast for 10

    Did you find one? Check it out and then take a photo and share it on Facebook and Twitter with #StoryWalkCamb.

    Questions? 617-800-9154.

    Cosponsored by Let’s Talk/Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and Center for Families; programs of Cambridge Public Health Department and Department of Human Service Programs

  4. Summer 2020 Playgroups @ Home

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    Since we can’t gather in person right now, the Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and the Center for Families are offering Playgroups at Home! We started this in the spring and are doing a new session for the summer.

    Every Monday morning for 5 weeks starting July 6th, we will send an email with:

    • a literacy tip
    • child development information
    • a story time video
    • two activity ideas for you and your child to do together!

    If you wish to receive our Playgroups at Home emails, please email Cynthia at

    We will also be hosting two live Zoom Circle Time Sessions during the 5-week series, including stories and songs! More information about these two sessions coming soon!

    There are lots of ways to stay connected with Center for Families and Agenda for Children:

    • Email: or
    • FaceBook and Twitter: we share lots of resources, supports, information, and activity ideas.
    • Google Group: Center for Families sends out information, resources and supports two times per week and activity ideas weekly on Fridays (email CFF to be added to the list)
    • Texts: Agenda for Children sends out weekly Let’s Talk texts with tips, information, and supports (text letstalk to 313131 to join)

    Center for Families Facebook:

    Center for Families Website:

    Let’s Talk FaceBook:

    Let’s Talk Twitter:

    Stay well!

    Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and Center for Families

  5. Summer Resources 2020

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    Summer Food Program will be providing free breakfast and lunch for Cambridge youth ages 18 and younger, Monday through Friday from June 22-September 4 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Locations:

    Summer Activities for Children:

    Check out for the most up to date information.

    • List of Summer Camps and Activities 2020 for Elementary School Students from Find It Cambridge:
    • List of Summer Camps and Activities 2020 for Rising 6-9th Graders from Find It Cambridge:

    A few highlights:

    • Cambridge Public Library Summer Reading:
      • Sign up for Summer Reading program starting June 22 (children and adults):
      • Schedule of Virtual Events for Children:
    • Phillips Brooks House Association’s Summer Urban Program: Info:
    • Soccer Nights, North Cambridge will be distributing Soccer Nights care packages to players (June 23-24th) and gathering together for a virtual Soccer Nights on Thursday, June 25th from 7-8pm. Info:

  6. Parent Talk

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    Join us for a virtual discussion group for Cambridge parents with young children!

    It’s been a challenging period for parents of young children. Many of us feel very isolated so please join us virtually for a cup of coffee or tea and discussion with other parents.

    • This is a space for parents to talk, connect and share challenges as well as ideas for taking care of ourselves.
    • The theme is Self-Care.
    • Groups will be facilitated by staff from the Center for Families and Let’s Talk/Agenda for Children.

    Saturday, June 27, 10:00 am–11:15 am We will hold two groups at the same time:

    • Group 1: for parents of children ages 3-5 (preschoolers)
    • Group 2: for parents of children in elementary school (K-5)

    To sign up:

    • Limited spaces available. We will send you a confirmation that you have a spot in the group.
    • Link for Zoom will be sent to you once you are confirmed. Questions? Call or text: 617-800-9154.

    The Center for Families is funded by the City of Cambridge, the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC), Children’s Trust, Cambridge Public Schools, and the Cambridge Health Alliance. Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative is funded by Cambridge Public Health Department and the City of Cambridge.

  7. Resources for Talking about Race with Young Children

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    • 100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice: (Article from Raising Race Conscious Children)

    • Dos and Dont’s of Talking with Kids of Color about White Supremacy: (Article from Colorlines)

    • Racism and Violence: How to Help Kids Handle the News: (Article from Child Mind Institute)

    • Self-Care Tips for Black People Who are Struggling with this Very Painful Week: (Article from

    • Supporting Kids of Color in the Wake of Racialized Violence:  (Podcast from Embrace Race)

    • The Top 5 Reasons Well Meaning White Parents Do Not Discuss Race With Their White Children: (Article from A Striving Parent blog)

  8. Helping Our Kids & Ourselves Manage Anxiety

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    Children show anxiety in lots of ways. How can we support them?

    Mindfulness Practices for Families

    When parents and children are feeling big emotions, it’s good to find some calm. Simple mindfulness activities can help:

    Mindfulness is noticing what’s going on outside—and inside—of us with acceptance and kindness. As mindful parents, we can be curious and open to understanding what our children are feeling and experiencing. These mindfulness exercises from Zero to Three are designed to help both parent and child experience a sense of calm connection.

    Want to know more about mindfulness?

    Join Dr. Chris Willard, from the Center for Mindfulness & Compassion at Cambridge Health Alliance, for a FREE live online workshop for parents, “Mindful Parenting in Difficult Times (Part I)” on Monday, June 1st, 9-9:45pm (EDT)! Register here:

    Need to relax? Try these 5 minute art exercises for relaxation for adults and kids:

  9. Supporting Ourselves & Our Children during COVID-19

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    New online children’s book explaining COVID-19 and why we stay home.
    Click here to read story:

    • Some kids are having a hard time with being online for everything from school to playdates. This article, “Kids Are So Over Zoom. Here’s What To Do About It” talks about tips for helping your child:

    • It is easy to feel anxious during this time. Here are some tips for coping with our anxiety.

    • It’s been a challenging time for all of us. Do you or someone you know need low-cost mental health support?  De Novo is currently offering virtual counseling services: Visits are between $2-$60, but no one is turned away for inability to pay.