Summer StoryWalk Series 2021

A StoryWalk is a children’s book hung page by page around a park in Cambridge where families can read, walk, and talk together.
StoryWalks will be up from July 17 to August 22, 2021 at the following parks:
- Bergin Park, Haskell St & Pemberton St, Sea Shapes
- Clement Morgan Park, 60 Columbia St, If the Dinosaurs Came Back
- Hurley Park, Hurley St, From Head to Toe
- Joan Lorentz Park, Broadway, in front of the Library, You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You
- Kingsley Park, Fresh Pond, Forest Bright, Forest Night
- Old Morse Park (David Nunes Park), Putnam Ave, Over in the Forest: Come and Take a Peek
- Russell Field, Rindge Ave, Sometimes We Do
- Sennott Park, 305 Broadway, One Hot Summer Day
Did you find one? Check it out and then take a photo and share it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter with #StoryWalkCamb.
Questions? 617-800-9154.
Co-Sponsored by Let’s Talk/Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative and the Center for Families; programs of the Cambridge Public Health Department and Department of Human Service Programs.