Reading Challenge 2022

Cambridge moms, dads and kids – Join us for a virtual reading challenge starting January 10, 2022! It’s easy & fun!
How to participate:
1. Read books with your child(ren)!
2. Submit a post
Let us know the title of the book and something you and your child enjoyed about it. Photos welcome! Choose how to submit your post:
- Facebook- @LetsTalkCambMA
- Instagram– @LetsTalkCambMA
- Twitter- @LetsTalkCambMA
- Text Let’s Talk at 617-800-9154
Participating in the Reading Challenge gives us permission to post and share responses on social media including responses sent via text message.
3. Have a chance to win a prize!
A submission enters you in a weekly raffle for a chance to win a swag pack and a pack of five books for your child (to be delivered after schools open). Extra posts welcomed! Max 1 entry per week counts in raffle.
4. Have fun reading!
Dates (January 10-January 30):
- Week 1: 1/10-1/16-Winner announced 1/17
- Week 2: 1/17-1/23-Winner announced 1/24
- Week 3 : 1/24-1/30-Winner announced 1/31
Questions? Email or text 617-800-9154.
Sponsored by: Cambridge Dads, Center for Families and Let’s Talk!/Agenda for Children Literacy
The Center for Families is funded by the City of Cambridge, the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC), Children’s Trust, Cambridge Public Schools, and the Cambridge Health Alliance. Let’s Talk!/AFC is funded by the Cambridge Public Health Department and the CIty of Cambridge.