Early Childhood Development Discussion Series
Join us for a 2-part series: Thursdays 3/5 & 3/19 from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM at Peabody School, 70 Rindge Ave. For Cambridge moms and dads with children 1-5 years old.
Parenting is an intense experience. Children are fantastic, frustrating, imaginative, loving & challenging (sometimes all in 1 hour!). Sharing experiences with others who are raising children can offer relief, new ideas and helps us to see humor in all of it.
Join us for a time of honest sharing of our stories and hear concrete strategies from Amy Bamforth, a local Early Childhood Specialist.
To register, call Center for Families at 617-349-6385 or email Christine at cdoucet@cambridgema.gov. Limited childcare is available upon request.
Sponsored by the Center for Families.