Parent Workshops: Early Literacy Development

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Join us for a four-part series –  Early Literacy Development:  Dads and Moms Make a Difference!

Learn concrete strategies to support your child’s language and literacy development (birth to five years) and share your successes and challenges with other Dads and Moms.

Topics include talking, storytelling, reading, and managing screen time. Free books and giveaways!

Facilitated by Jen Baily, Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative.

Wednesdays, January 21, 28, February 4, and 11
6:15-8:00pm, Center for Families, 70 Rindge Ave.

Limited child care available upon request. Light snacks served.

To register contact Christine at 617-349-3003 or

Co-sponsored by the Center for Families and Let’s Talk!